Monday 1 April 2013

2 x 2 x 2 Rubik's Cube Solving Solution

How To Solve A 2x2x2 Rubiks Cube 

Pieces and Layers

Corner- a physical corner piece.
A corner piece has three sides.
There are eight corners.

Face- one of the sides of the

Layer- the cube consists of two
layers (Top/Bottom).

The number of possible positions of
the cube is 3674160.

All these puzzles can be solved in the same way as the normal mini cube.

How To Solve A 2x2x2 Rubiks Cube - Algorithm
Now that you understood the method, it is time to put in practice.

Step 1, Bottom Layer Corners

Choose a color for the Down Face : (let's take White, it can be any color).
Find in the Top Layer a Corner Piece with the color of the Down Face (White).
There are three possible states (turn the Top Layer if necessary).

Use one of the following procedures to solve the cubie:

Down Face color on Front Face
F' - U' - F

Down Face color on Right Face
R - U - R'

Down Face color on Upper Face
R - U2 - R' - U' - R - U - R'
If the Corner Piece is in the Bottom Layer in place but not in position, use one of
the following procedures.

Down Face color on Front Face not in position
F' - U' - F - U2 - R - U' - R'

Down Face color on Right Face not in position
R - U - R' - U' - R - U - R'

Rotate the cube cw 90-degree (or Down Face ccw 90-degree), and look for the
Front color of the recently resolved piece (let's take Green).
Now find in the Top Layer a piece with both colors (White and Green) and repeat
until all four corners are solved.

Step 2, Orient the Top Layer Corners

A Corner Piece which needs to be oriented is one which does not have the Upper

Face color (Yellow).
Identify the corners that need to be oriented, It is possible to have to twist 2, 3, or

4 Corner Pieces.
Turn the Top Layer so that the Corner Piece which needs to be oriented is at the

There are two possible states: Upper Face color (Yellow) on the Right Face or the
Back Face.

Upper Face color on the Right Face
R - D - R' - D' - R - D - R' - D'

Upper Face color on the Back Face
D - R - D' - R' - D - R - D' - R'
After orienting the first Corner Piece the First Layer are scrambled.

Turn the Top Layer so that the next Corner Piece which needs to be oriented is at
the Back-Right and then proceed the same as before.
Once you have twisted all the corners the First Layers will have restored itself.

Step 3, Permute the Top Layer Corners
If the cube is not already resolved, You need to exchange three corners.
Turn the Top Layer so that a Corner Piece is located in its solved position.
Turn the cube in your hands so that you hold it with the solved corner at the Front-
Left position.

There are two possible states:

Permute Three Corners Counter-Clockwise

R2 - B2' - R - F - R' - B2' - R - F' - R

Permute Three Corners Clockwise

R' - F - R' - B2' - R - F' - R' - B2' - R2

Permute Two Top Layer Corners

It can happen that when finishing the Step 2 you have to exchange only two corner
pieces, not three. To solve this case, you will perform a series of movements that
exchange two Front Corner Pieces.

There are two possible states:

Wrong Corners are Side by Side

B - U' - F' - U - B' - U2 - F - U' - F' - U2 - F

Wrong Corners are Diagonally

B - U' - F' - U - B' - U2 - F - U' - F' - U2 - F
In the first case, performing the movements the cube is resolved. In the second
case, there will be three corners to solve, continue with Step 3.
Now you know How To Solve A 2x2x2 Rubiks Cube.

3 x 3 x 3 Rubiks Cube Solving Solution

3 x 3 Rubiks Cube Solution

                This is the basics to beginners to master your cubing skills in a 3 x 3 rubiks cube . It won't take more than a week for an adult and not more than 10 days for a child . This rubiks puzzle is only for persons more than 8 years old .I swear it will surely be a bit of sandwich once you learnt it .